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Women in the Middle®: Loving Life After 50 - Midlife Coach Podcast

Nov 27, 2020

Learning how to explore when you’re stuck in midlife is not always easy or comfortable. My guest today learned that first-hand but it was well worth it because she successfully got unstuck and is soaring now!

Meet Paula Rosecky. She considers herself a “Human Insights Investigator” and is an independent customer...

Nov 19, 2020

Jewelry Design as a second career in midlife sounds fun, right. Today’s episode is about How Designing Jewelry Got My Career Unstuck in Midlife with Nancy Marland.

It’s funny about career change in midlife. It seems like you SHOULD know what you want once you decide you need to move on from your current job. Learn...

Nov 12, 2020

Today we’re talking about the Best Midlife Career Changes We All Wish We Made in Our 30s.

It’s funny about career change in midlife. Some women are more open to it than others. Personally, the emotion of fear had way more of an effect in my life on this topic than I ever expected. I was surprised by it. Fear isn’t...

Nov 6, 2020

Today we’re talking about how to reimagine your career to get unstuck in midlife. My guest is Laura Blaisdell, MD, a doctor who took her love of medicine, public health and people and turned it into a successful consulting business.

I’m thrilled to bring you this interview with Laura actually because as a past...